Turpin’s Charity is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
This Policy explains when and why we collect personal information about our applicants, how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others and how we keep it secure.
Any questions regarding this Policy and our privacy practices should be sent by email to:
Who are we?
Turpin’s Charity is a registered charity (no. 203751).
How we collect your information
Turpin’s Charity collects information from you when you enquire about/apply for a grant, including sending us an email, completing an application form and when you call, write or meet with us.
We may receive information about you from third parties.
What information we collect about you
The information we may require from you, the applicant(s) includes:
• Full name (and proof of your identity / photo ID) (deleted following application decision)
Date of birth
•. Contact details (phone, e-mail or correspondence address).
• Details of anyone authorised to act on your behalf, if applicable.
• Other personal information required to help make an award decision
(this may include health or financial-related information, decided on a case by case basis)
If you do not provide the information we need then we may not be able to make an informed decision on grant provision.
What processing we do with information collected
The information we require from you is used to decide on eligibility for a grant under the terms of the charity’s constitution.
Personal information is stored and managed within systems which are maintained to achieve a high level of confidentiality, integrity and availability including following best practice cyber security standards.
We hold information in IT systems which may be copied for testing, backup, archiving and disaster recovery purposes. All data is held within Europe.
How we will communicate with you
Turpin’s Charity needs to communicate with our clients and this will usually be in writing or by telephone, but is more commonly electronic and paperless.
We will only discuss or communicate your grant application within the charity, it’s trustees and clerk or with someone acting on your behalf.
Who we share data with and how long we keep information
Turpin’s Charity may need to share personal information with government departments and agencies, with our regulator and auditors, with medical professionals, utility companies or with other organisations and agencies, where we are legally allowed to do so.
Information relating to a grant will be kept for a period not exceeding six years afterwards award of the grant. The basic history of who received a grant and why will be held indefinitely.
What we will not do
We will not send you unsolicited marketing material. We will not sell your personal data on to third parties.
We will not pass on your personal data to unrelated third parties unless we are allowed or required to do so by law or we have your explicit permission to do that.
We will not transfer or store your personal data outside of Europe (the European Economic Area) outside of the control of the UK / European regulations.
Your rights, the right to complain and the ICO